- a reference database of ברכות

Stuffed Chicken

Last Updated On: 3/13/09

If it is stuffed with bread

Brocho before eating the stuffing: Borei Minei Mezonos

Brocho before eating the chicken: Shehakol Niyeh Bedvoro

Brocho after eating the proper shiur of this: Al Hamichya [assuming a proper shiur of Mezonos was eaten] and Borei Nefashos

If it is stuffed with rice

Brocho before eating the stuffing: Borei Minei Mezonos

Brocho before eating the chicken: Shehakol Niyeh Bedvoro

Brocho after eating the proper shiur of this: Borei Nefashos

Source: The Laws of B'rachos (page 382)